I'm a developer setting up an automated build server and I want to use WinSCP to upload files to our web servers using its Sync feature. I've used it on several different servers hosted at Rackspace and 1and1, and it works great. Unfortunately, it doesn't work properly on the servers of one of our clients. The initial sync will copy all of the files but if I run the build script a second time, recompiling the site which should cause many of the files to have newer timestamps, no files are sent to the remote server. I believe this is a problem with how WinSCP sees the file timestamps on the remote server when that server doesn't have a timezone offset.
My computer is Windows 7 SP1 in the US Eastern time zone (offset -4), while the remote server is Windows Server 2012 in the Coordinated Universal Time time zone (offset 00:00:00).
I'm using WinSCP version 5.7.5 via the WinSCP Powershell module from
I'm using the Sync-WinSCPPath powershell command to sync two files from my computer to the wwwroot/Uploads folder on the remote server. This is the test powershell script:
Remove-Module [w]inscp
Import-Module WinScp
$ftpHost = "svvs-v-win-stage.corp"
$ftpUser = "user.com-stg"
$ftpDir = "wwwroot/Uploads"
$credential = Get-Credential -UserName $ftpUser -Message "Please enter password for $ftpHost."
$log = (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "sync-bug.log")
Write-Host "write log to $log"
$session = New-WinSCPSession -Hostname $ftpHost -Credential $credential -Protocol Ftp -SessionLogPath $log
$source = (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "Uploads")
Write-Host "sync $source to $ftpDir"
Sync-WinSCPPath -WinSCPSession $session -Mode Remote -Criteria Either -LocalPath $source -RemotePath $ftpDir
Remove-WinSCPSession -WinSCPSession $session
These are the steps I took:
1) Run this powershell script to sync local Upload folder containing grog.png file dated 7/28/2014 11:01am.
2) Filezilla GUI shows the remote grog.png file is dated 7/28/2015 11:01am (which is accurate).
3) WinSCP GUI shows the remote grog.png file is dated 7/28/2014 7:01pm (which is 8 hours later).
4) Run the script again and WinSCP doesn't copy any files (i.e. the local grog.png file hasn't changed).
5) I touch the local grog.png file changing its timestamp to 10/6/2015 9:04pm.
6) Run the script again and WinSCP copies the grog.png file to the remote server.
7) Filezilla GUI shows the remote grog.png file is dated 10/6/2015 9:04pm (which is accurate).
8) WinSCP GUI shows the remote grog.png file is dated 10/7/2015 5:04am (which is 8 hours in the future).
9) Touch the local grog.png file again, changing its timestamp to 10/6/2015 9:09pm.
10) Run the script again and WinSCP doesn't copy the grog.png file to the remote server, but it should have.
I've looked over the attached log and I think WinSCP is wrongly calculating the remote file timestamp. Perhaps it is just a coincidence, but WinSCP is off by 8 hours, double the absolute value of the offset my computer has with the US Eastern timezone.
Please let me know if you have any questions or need any additional information.