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Re: WinSCP copies from remote to tmp, but not to destination

Did you install WinSCP? Or are you using a portable executable?

Re: WinSCP copies from remote to tmp, but not to destination

I would, but the respective item appears in grey here. Can't be selected. Hm...

Re: WinSCP copies from remote to tmp, but not to destination

Not sure how to debug this.

Though, why do you use the "Temporary directory" mode? Can try the "Shell extension" mode?

WinSCP copies from remote to tmp, but not to destination

Since roughly a week, I try to copy bigger project trees from a remote LINUX host to a Windows 7 System. While to transfer starts and the files get copied to the temporary Folder, the files doesn't get copied to the target Folder.

In some cases, a few files get correctly copied. After that, a bigger Transfer has the same problem.

I tried this without any effect:
– Change the temporary Directory
– Switch from INI file to Windows registry
– Toggle those Append... Settings.

I finally upgraded to WinSCP 5.7.6. No effect either.

Effectively, I can't use WinSCP any longer.

I feel, as if WinSCP instructs Windows to copy from tmp to Destination, but that Operation somehow gets canceled.

First time problem happened
Roughly a week ago. Before that, I did use WinSCP for years without any problem.

Did updates to other System components happened?

Quite likely. Corporate Network.

– Windows 7
– WinSCP 5.7.6
– Remote host Linux
– Protocol in user SFTP