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Re: Copying Files To Remote Side Failed

I am having the same problem here, and that happened when I forwarded the port 22 from DMZ to a network computer. Now I started to think it's a MAC address security check. I'm working on this problem. Please update if you have done anything and I'll do the same. ( )


Re: Copying Files To Remote Side Failed

I'm very new to Unix, so I'm not sure that I am doing this correctly. I believe the SSH version is: "SSH-1.99-OpenSSH_3.6.1p2"

I got this by entering telnet server_ip 22 in a DOS command window.

I do know that the server has "OpenSSH Secure Shell" and TelNet available.

Let me know if there is a better way to get the version number for you.


Re: Copying Files To Remote Side Failed

What is your SSH server (including version)?

Copying Files To Remote Side Failed

I have searched through the Forum messages and see a couple similar to the problem I'm encountering but they are unanswered or slightly different issues.

I hope you can help resolve this issue.

Using WinSCP v3.7.4 Build 271 on a Windows XP Pro computer to connect to a dedicated Unix/Fedora server. Currently using SFTP (allow SCP fallback) protocol, compression enabled, SSH 2.

I am able to use WinSCP to connect to the server, browse and create directories and edit files. I can even copy small files to & from the server/local system.

But when I try to upload a large number of files or sometimes a large file, I get one of two error messages:
1. Copying files to remote side failed: Server sent disconnect - message type 2 (ssh_disconnect_protocol_error): "Corrupted MAC on input"

2. Network error: software caused connection abort

I have tried changing to SCP only, with/without compressions, SSH 1, SSH 2, and have turned auto/on/off the SSH2 HMAC bug. In addition, I have tried transfer in background/foreground. None of these seem to have helped.

What would cause this and what would you suggest?

I do have a log file that I can e-mail.

Vik Kachoria