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Re: Browser HiJack reported by Kaspersky

WinSCP is registering for FTP protocol. Maybe that's what Kaspersky considers suspicious. WinSCP definitely does not try to register for HTTP.
New User

Re: Browser HiJack reported by Kaspersky

martin wrote:

Can you show us a screenshot of the report?

Sorry for the delay
Please find attached a screen shot of the report.

Thank you.

Re: Browser HiJack reported by Kaspersky

Can you show us a screenshot of the report?
New User

Browser HiJack reported by Kaspersky


When I install WinSCP 5.7.6 on my W7 pc, Kaspersky reports a browser hijack event at the end of the installation process. Is this normal. I'm thinking it could be a faslse/positive. This is the first time I have used FTP software.

I downloaded WinSCP from the official website, and checked the Checksums.
