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Topic review


Quite nice to see you fixed that in the latest version!!

Thank you so much... this is a very good software! I'm really impressed. :D

Thank you, prikryl!

Yes, it occurs only when uploading whole dirs and it finds files which match the mask.

I am afraid I cannot use SFTP. I think I can stand with this... but I would be very cool not to have this confirmation message, of course. I'll stay tuned ;)

Thank you so much again!

The message is:

Copying file 'C:\TEMP\testme\cvs' failed

And then we have two buttons: Ok, Abort

Thanks, I see. I'll fix it.

Am I right that it happens only for files/directories in subdirectories?

Anyway to avoid it, switch to SFTP protocol.

hi again!

The message is:

Copying file 'C:\TEMP\testme\cvs' failed

And then we have two buttons: Ok, Abort

Re: Confirmation message when using exclude mask

Please post full text of the confirmation message as I have no idea what message you mean.

Confirmation message when using exclude mask

I am using WinSCP 3.72 (build 262)to upload files to a server using SSH (norton Commander interface)

My main problem is, if I want to exclude certain files (for example, the CVS folders that are created by the CVS system), using the "Exclude mask" function which appears in the upload dialog, I am getting a confimation dialog each time it finds something which matches the exclussion mask, so I have to press "Continue" each time.

For cases in where I just have a pair of files which match is ok, but when I have lots of, it's so tiring to upload the whole content having to click "Continue" on each folder (because CVS tends to create a CVS folder in each folder, as you know). An upload which could take 2 minutes can be up to 10 minutes or something like that.

I don't know if that does occur only for me, or if it is a feature. I haven't found any other post about that.

By the way thank you for your great work. This program is simply wonderful, rules SO MUCH!