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chikwendum wrote:

Pls help me out !!!

I installed win xp and its office application packages. When I launch drag any of the apllication packages like internet explorer or excel, the display wobbles on the screen and its really disturbing.
Pls help me .Thanks in anticipation.

I'm sorry, but I have no idea what you ask for and how it is connected to WinSCP. Please try to explain it better.

Pls help me out !!!

I installed win xp and its office application packages. When I launch drag any of the apllication packages like internet explorer or excel, the display wobbles on the screen and its really disturbing.
Pls help me .Thanks in anticipation.

Re: application interface

Can you post a log file?

Re: application interface

Yes, but I couldn't connect. It said there was some error about skipping the startup message or something.......but i could connect with the ver 1.0........

if i can get one or the other working, i'll be happy.....

Re: application interface

Have you tried WinSCP 2.2?

application interface


I am using the WinSCP version 1.0. I have installed it and tried to log on to the server that I need to log on to. I know that I am connected but the application interface (the screen where I can see the server and transfer files to it from my computer) does not show. When I click on the WinSCP on my task bar, nothing happens, no application to move my files...

can you help me please? :cry: