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Re: Update

I'm still not sure I understand the problem.

ittech wrote:

i have an update to my issue:
-mapped the network drive with my credentials
-open 3 files (same folder) and edit (added a word only)
1 word doc
2 excel files

Do I understand right that you do not edit them via WinSCP, right?

- save and opened a WinCSP session to the same network drive
- refreshed and i can see the same files that i just "modified content"
word doc has rwxrwx---
first excel file has rwxrwx---
second excel file has rwxrw-rw-

So when you SSH to the sever and do ls -la you see different permissions than in WinSCP?


i have an update to my issue:
-mapped the network drive with my credentials
-open 3 files (same folder) and edit (added a word only)
1 word doc
2 excel files
- save and opened a WinCSP session to the same network drive
- refreshed and i can see the same files that i just "modified content"
word doc has rwxrwx---
first excel file has rwxrwx---
second excel file has rwxrw-rw-

why is this happening? size, date and ownership are correct but why the permissions are different?
permissions were given in the Ubuntu server to rwx to owner and group and none to others for all the files/folders.

appreciate any response!


Thanks Prikryl,
as you can tell i am new to Winscp so i will clarify a bit my question, i just want Winscp to open files/folders as 0770 or rwxrwx--- for the entire tree, i believe the way they are setup to be save as in the server. the link you showed me is the right place? how do i do that?.
the "rights" i see in winscp are from the Windows computers the files/folders were edited on, the server that housed the files/folders or Winscp?
i have attached a picture of my Winscp so you can see what i am talking about.
thanks again!

Rights on WinSCP

when i open a WinSCP session i can see a column option called "rights" set it up like this, for example, r-xr-x--- (owner, group and others) and next to it a column for the "Owner" but when the owner goes back to the folder to edit it, he/she can't [you need permission to perform this action], is this an option [changing rights] that i can do from Winscp to ALWAYS apply the same rights for a user when she/he creates/edits a file/folder or is a Windows thing on the users side?
i can go manually and edit rights to the file/folder for group or owner within Winscp but its not efficient when there are 1000 file/folders
please help, i try to find the solution or both sides [Windows or Winscp] and I wasn't able to

PS- i forgot to mention we have a Linux Server with rights already setup and they SHOULD always be 0770 or rwxrwx--- but on Winscp the rights are different depending on the user..