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Re: Timestamps are not correctly synced for previously synced folders Linux -> Windows

I apologize for not replying sooner. I somehow missed this.

If I understand correctly, you want WinSCP, while synchronizing files, to synchronize timestamps of their parent directories. As of now, WinSCP only sets directory timestamps, when uploading a new directory, not when adding (or otherwise updating) files in an existing directory.

I'll see if more people ask for this.

Yes to all.

Re: Timestamps are not correctly synced for previously synced folders Linux -> Windows

jcmanciot wrote:

As you can see in the "Sync Results" screenshot, all timestamps of new symlinked folders are correctly set, but the timestamp of the "old" non-symlinked "Missions" folder has not been set correctly.

Did you have the Preserve timestamp > Including directories checked? Can you attach a log file showing that?

Without the escape "\" character, the folder "Ubuntu" is correctly excluded from the sync.

Regarding "Ubuntu", I have deleted afterwards all synced folders inside it, hence the modified timestamp.
It has been synced despite the excluded filter mask.
I'll try again with a different mask, without the escape character.

Timestamps are not correctly synced for previously synced folders Linux -> Windows

As you can see in the "Sync Results" screenshot, all timestamps of new symlinked folders are correctly set, but the timestamp of the "old" non-symlinked "Missions" folder has not been set correctly.

Also "filter mask" screenshot and log in next post.
BTW, why limit the number of file uploads to 3?