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Re: Remote Recycle bin

henry3 wrote:

Is there a technical reason not to do that, or no one else has a use for it ?

No there's no technical reason. It's just not implemented because there was no demand.

Does the remote recycle bin just use a remote move command before the upload ?


I was thinking about how remote recycle bin works, and I put a . in the location settings, tested it, and it created the backup in the same directory.

You are right. That works. I didn't realize that WinSCP can handle relative paths in the recycle bin path.

Remote recycle bin

I was thinking about how remote recycle bin works, and I put a . in the location settings, tested it, and it created the backup in the same directory.

Remote Recycle bin

Is there a technical reason not to do that, or no one else has a use for it ? Does the remote recycle bin just use a remote move command before the upload ?

Re: Rename existing file instead of new on overwrite

No, WinSCP does not support this.

Rename existing file instead of new on overwrite

Is there a way to rename the existing file on overwrite instead of renaming the file being uploaded ? I am using the remote recycle bin feature, but it would nice if the existing file could remain in the same directory, but be renamed using the timestamp.