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Re: WinSCP doesn't create directories in "Keep up to date" m

martin wrote:

dennisvz wrote:

Any idea when a new version of WinSCP is released?

Well, I have still more then 100 TO-DO items and I want to implement at least half into next release. So there are still few weeks of work before me :-)
But your request is by chance the next to do, so it may be implemented this evening. I can send you link, once it is done.

Great! :) Thanks a lot. About sending the link: you could send it to the emailaddress which I used to register on the Translation Admin of WinSCP (I'm the current main translator of the Dutch version of WinSCP), so I assume you can track my emailaddress.

Re: WinSCP doesn't create directories in "Keep up to date" m

dennisvz wrote:

Any idea when a new version of WinSCP is released?

Well, I have still more then 100 TO-DO items and I want to implement at least half into next release. So there are still few weeks of work before me :-)
But your request is by chance the next to do, so it may be implemented this evening. I can send you link, once it is done.

Re: WinSCP doesn't create directories in "Keep up to date" m

martin wrote:

dennisvz wrote:

Now my question: when I create locally a new file in \contents\pages\, say index.html, does WinSCP upload this file to the remote directory /home/sites/ ?

Yes, if you restart (stop/start) the function before, so WinSCP finds the new directory (this will be improved soon).

OK, then my question is answered. Any idea when a new version of WinSCP is released?

Re: WinSCP doesn't create directories in "Keep up to date" m

dennisvz wrote:

Now my question: when I create locally a new file in \contents\pages\, say index.html, does WinSCP upload this file to the remote directory /home/sites/ ?

Yes, if you restart (stop/start) the function before, so WinSCP finds the new directory (this will be improved soon).

Re: WinSCP doesn't create directories in "Keep up to date" m

martin wrote:

dennisvz wrote:

I mean that I want to create open a new connection for each directory that I want to be kept up to date with WinSCP, because WinSCP can only keep up to date one directory at a time.

WinSCP can keep up to date up to 500 directories at a time, but it cannot create new remote subdirectories during the process.

Oh? Then I did understand something not quite correct. An example:

I want to use the "keep up to date" with the local folder


and the remote folder


Now I want to have a subdirectory 'pages'. I create a local (so c:\websites\contents\pages) and a remote directory 'pages' (/home/sites/ Now my question: when I create locally a new file in \contents\pages\, say index.html, does WinSCP upload this file to the remote directory /home/sites/ ? If so, my problem is solved :)

Re: WinSCP doesn't create directories in "Keep up to date" m

dennisvz wrote:

I mean that I want to create open a new connection for each directory that I want to be kept up to date with WinSCP, because WinSCP can only keep up to date one directory at a time.

WinSCP can keep up to date up to 500 directories at a time, but it cannot create new remote subdirectories during the process.

Re: WinSCP doesn't create directories in "Keep up to date" m

martin wrote:

dennisvz wrote:

Well, in short it comes to this: can I create for every directory (and subdirectory) a new SFTP-connection with WinSCP, so on that way all files in all directories will be kept up to date? Ofcourse the diectories itself then will not be updated (like renaming a directory or something).

I do not understand how this would help you. You will just achive the same WinSCP can do. But new (added) local subdirectories will not by synchronised anyway.

I mean that I want to create open a new connection for each directory that I want to be kept up to date with WinSCP, because WinSCP can only keep up to date one directory at a time.

Re: WinSCP doesn't create directories in "Keep up to date" m

dennisvz wrote:

Well, in short it comes to this: can I create for every directory (and subdirectory) a new SFTP-connection with WinSCP, so on that way all files in all directories will be kept up to date? Ofcourse the diectories itself then will not be updated (like renaming a directory or something).

I do not understand how this would help you. You will just achive the same WinSCP can do. But new (added) local subdirectories will not by synchronised anyway.

Re: WinSCP doesn't create directories in "Keep up to date" m

martin wrote:

dennisvz wrote:

I see. I had an idea... I don't know whether this works, but in my opinion I could open a second SFTP-connection that uses the feature "Keep up to date" with the created directory to keep both directories up to date constantly. Do you know whether this workaround should work?

Sorry, I have no idea what you mean :-)

Well, in short it comes to this: can I create for every directory (and subdirectory) a new SFTP-connection with WinSCP, so on that way all files in all directories will be kept up to date? Ofcourse the diectories itself then will not be updated (like renaming a directory or something).

In theory this could work, but I don't know how WinSCP handles with multiple connections simultaneously to the same server?

Re: WinSCP doesn't create directories in "Keep up to date" m

dennisvz wrote:

I see. I had an idea... I don't know whether this works, but in my opinion I could open a second SFTP-connection that uses the feature "Keep up to date" with the created directory to keep both directories up to date constantly. Do you know whether this workaround should work?

Sorry, I have no idea what you mean :-)

Re: WinSCP doesn't create directories in "Keep up to date" m

martin wrote:

dennisvz wrote:

Is there any workaround for the time being, like to open a second SFTP connection to the same server where I could create the necessary directories (with the intention that WinSCP then any files placed in the manually created directory, will be automatically updated)?

Its not only that WinSCP does not create the new directory on the server. It won't even watch for changes in the new local directory. So you would have to stop the "Keep up to date" function, create local directory (both local and remote) and start the function again. Only then the files created in the new local directory will be uploaded to remote one.

I see. I had an idea... I don't know whether this works, but in my opinion I could open a second SFTP-connection that uses the feature "Keep up to date" with the created directory to keep both directories up to date constantly. Do you know whether this workaround should work?

Re: WinSCP doesn't create directories in "Keep up to date" m

dennisvz wrote:

Is there any workaround for the time being, like to open a second SFTP connection to the same server where I could create the necessary directories (with the intention that WinSCP then any files placed in the manually created directory, will be automatically updated)?

Its not only that WinSCP does not create the new directory on the server. It won't even watch for changes in the new local directory. So you would have to stop the "Keep up to date" function, create local directory (both local and remote) and start the function again. Only then the files created in the new local directory will be uploaded to remote one.

Re: WinSCP doesn't create directories in "Keep up to date" m

martin wrote:

This is known limitation. I'll eventually resolve it.

Is there any workaround for the time being, like to open a second SFTP connection to the same server where I could create the necessary directories (with the intention that WinSCP then any files placed in the manually created directory, will be automatically updated)?

Re: WinSCP doesn't create directories in "Keep up to date" mode

This is known limitation. I'll eventually resolve it.

WinSCP doesn't create directories in "Keep up to date" mode

I have some troubles with the feature "Keep remote directory up to date". When I create on my local disk a directory, WinSCP doesn't creates it on the remote directory, even when the option "Update subdirectories" is checked in the appropriate dialog box. I'm sure that I'm selected the correct directories on both sides, because 'just' files are uploaded like they should.

Anyone else that also experiences this? My version of WinSCP is 3.4.2 and I'm running on Windows 2000 SP4.