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Topic review


Again, there's no setting to disable edit history. Sorry.


[_] Remember last used dir

Directory reading options:
[_] Cache...
[_] Cache...
[_] Permanent Cache...
[X] Resolve symbolic link

I'm expecting WinSCP for just transfer my file, nothing more.
No need to record every footstep I take.

Hi Admin, sorry for being a little bit rude.

I just want WinSCP to stop logging my history. That's all.
(for privacy of course)

Currently, I'm using 5.7.7-6257.

Re: How can I stop WinSCP's spying activity?

I already turned logging off in settings, why WinSCP doesn't honor it!?

What setting do you mean?
There's no setting in WinSCP to disable edit history.
It's not spying. The history is not sent anywhere!

How can I stop WinSCP's spying activity?

Line 375: [Configuration\History\ExternalEditor]
Line 403: [Configuration\History\LocalDirectory]
Line 405: [Configuration\History\RemoteDirectory]
Line 413: [Configuration\History\RemoteTarget]
Line 435: [Configuration\History\EditFile]
Line 464: [Configuration\History\Mask]

How can I stop WinSCP writing History to "WinSCP.ini"?
I already turned logging off in settings, why WinSCP doesn't honor it!?