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Re: Recover of data with backup help, please

Yep, after I posted my question, I snooped around some more on the archives and found your reply to the same question :oops: , and the registry key. So I downloaded a little shareware program RegdatXP to allow me to open the NTuser.dat file under my user name in the backup. There I saw the Sessions key and then just did a lot of copy / paste to add the session keys - including the PingType (what's up with that?). Afterwords, there was a 'not found in cache' warning, which was taken care of by the program, and all was well with the world again. :P

Thanks for the direction !


Re: Recover of data with backup help, please

WinSCP stores settings (including login data) to Windows registry, unless you have ordered it to stored them to INI file.

Recover of data with backup help, please


I recently had a hard drive hit the wall. Luckily, I was able to get all data off the drive before it went belly up. I have now reinstalled the same version of SCP (v.3.6.8), and was hoping to re-establish my prior login data ... but it's not in the WinSCP folder.

Could someone tell me where this info file is kept so I can get this going again ?

Thanks !
