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I left WinSCP option for the temporary directory alone, I was woundering where that temp folder is located? The reason why is because I downloaded a file useing the client and I can't find it? I have used the search for files and folders but no luck in finding it.

If there is any temporary directory left, WinSCP will offer to delete it on the next startup (by default, unless you have configured it not to do on Storage tab of Login dialog). That way you can know where it is.

Any yes I did check "my document's" (I have view hidden file on)the file seem's as if it deleted it self once it was downloaded...? or maybe I can't see it?

I left WinSCP option for the temporary directory alone, I was woundering where that temp folder is located? The reason why is because I downloaded a file useing the client and I can't find it? I have used the search for files and folders but no luck in finding it.

Re: Temporary Directory

I'm not sure what you ask for, but temporary directory is set on Storage tab of Preferences dialog.

Temporary Directory

I just finished downloading a large movie file using winSCP 3.7.4 however, I forgot to set the temporary directory to something so it was blank... where does the file go? Because I did a search and it didn't come up? It finish the download so I was wondering where it went?

Thanks Dan