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Re: "show log windows" unusable (or maybe I'm missing something)

CoolRaoul wrote:

Yes, I've found that workaround meanwhile, but don't you agree that window automatic closing is a bug?

Well, I actually believe that the log window is useless feature and I want to get rid of it. Its contents is too low level to be of any use for user to watch it.

Re: "show log windows" unusable (or maybe I'm missing something)

martin wrote:

Use file logging instead.

Yes, I've found that workaround meanwhile, but don't you agree that window automatic closing is a bug?

BTW, the "preference" -> "show log windows" option is always resetting to off (not sticky), sound like a bug too.

Re: "show log windows" unusable (or maybe I'm missing something)

Use file logging instead.

"show log windows" unusable (or maybe I'm missing something)

I've a session setting problem which I think I could be able to track by using the log window

Here's what I'm doing:
in the session list login window I select "Tools" -> "Preferences" -> "show log window" -> "Ok".
Then activate the "login" button of the session.
The session starts with login windows displayed and I'm getting the error I try to catch:

The problem there is that I'm unable to select/scroll/copy/whatever inside the session log window because the previous dialog is modal. Every attempt to select the log window give the focus to the error window with an error beep.
And if I close the error popup with "OK" button, the log window is closed too!
What would be the correct procedure to have the log Window stay open? As is it is practically useless.