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Topic review

Son Nguyen

Successful under your guidance. Thank you very much

Re: Need additional option for "keep remote directory up to date" when data has created complete.

There's no way WinSCP can tell that the upload has finished. All you can do is to delay the upload.

There's a hidden option KeepUpToDateChangeDelay for this:
Son Nguyen

Need additional option for "keep remote directory up to date" when data has created complete.

Sorry everyone! I do not know English, I 'm using google translate.

My server using FileZilla server with chroot is "D:\FTPData\" . I use "keep up to date remote directory " of WinSCP to automatically sync this folder into the folder "D:\Backup\".

The problem is when client data uploading to chroot "D:\FTPData\" ongoing and WinSCP already started sync while data is being uploaded.

The results I have 2 data of the same size but different checksum code .

How to sync automatically start when the file has been uploaded to finish ?

Thank for all.