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Topic review


Can you capture the traffic for the browser/drive mapping? E.g. using wireshark?

martin wrote:

Can you try 5.7.7 for a comparison?

Same behavior, authentication repeatedly fails. If I try access with a web browser or map a network drive it works, credentials are fine.

Can you try 5.7.7 for a comparison?

just to add - i truncated the logs as it just repeats the failures over and over but let me know if youd like a more complete log

WebDAV not working

I am trying to connect to a WebDav connection and getting an endless loop of failed authorizations until it crashes. I've attached the log here with private details obfuscated. I am trying to use windows authentication for a domain and username that is different from the currently logged in user....could that be to blame?

I am currently using 5.8.3RC (Build 6701) as I believe this may be related to the following bugs: