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Re: Change the "My Documents" and "Desktop" shortcuts on the local drive drop down

WinSCP uses the same settings as Explorer.

Re: Change the "My Documents" and "Desktop" shortcuts on the local drive drop down

martin wrote:

In Windows Explorer right-click the "Documents" or "Desktop" and in Properties, select the "Location" tab.

The locations are correct in explorer, they should be unc paths.. I just need to alter them in the application.

Re: Change the "My Documents" and "Desktop" shortcuts on the local drive drop down

In Windows Explorer right-click the "Documents" or "Desktop" and in Properties, select the "Location" tab.

Change the "My Documents" and "Desktop" shortcuts on the local drive drop down

I have a case where the "My Documents" and "Desktop" paths are UNC paths. I do have the UNC path mapped to a drive letter for applications that need drive letters. The problem is I can't find a place to change the actual shortcut. so instead of \\bla bla\My documents I would change the shortcut to point to E:\My documents..