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Re: Automatic Transfer of files from remote server to local machine using Winscp

martin wrote:

There has to be a space between the console and the /script=...:

/console /script=D:\sync.txt

Hey, I got it is solved. Thanks..!! :D

Re: Automatic Transfer of files from remote server to local machine using Winscp

There has to be a space between the console and the /script=...:

/console /script=D:\sync.txt

Automatic Transfer of files from remote server to local machine using Winscp

I need to transfer multiple files from a remote server to local machine.

I have then scheduled winscp.exe with argument "/console/script=D:\sync.txt"
sync.txt file contains the following commands.

option batch on
option confirm off
open username@hostname
cd folderContainingFiles
option transfer binary
get /desiredFile.extension pathInLocalComputer

When I am running the task, winscp window is opening but it is not logging in.

Any help anyone?