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Re: Running from a ColdFusion Page

brianp wrote:

I understand that the key is stored by user, so I assume there's two ways I can solve this. 1) copy the key (don't know where from / to) in the registry or 2) modify the script, a least once, to respond to the prompt "add this host key to the registry" (also, not something I know how to do in the script file) - then I assume I would be fine.

Please read F.A.Q.

Running from a ColdFusion Page

I've written a script file that functions flawlessly when I run it from the command line, however when I attempt to launch it from a ColdFusion template, I get an error in the log file saying: "The server's host key is not cached in the registry."

I understand that the key is stored by user, so I assume there's two ways I can solve this. 1) copy the key (don't know where from / to) in the registry or 2) modify the script, a least once, to respond to the prompt "add this host key to the registry" (also, not something I know how to do in the script file) - then I assume I would be fine.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Re: console and script support

You can run /script=ftp.scr in command line mode.

First you must creat ftp script named ftp.scr
option confirm off
option batch on
option transfer binary
open sftp://userid:password@host
get * DownloadFiles\

gibic wrote:

how can i run winscp in command line mode? And can i run ftp script? how?

uz viem :)


console and script support

how can i run winscp in command line mode? And can i run ftp script? how?