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Re: How to select the viewing browser

Anonymous wrote:

Using WinSCP 3.0 (Norton commander in use);

If you really use version 3.0, you should upgrade immediatelly!
how is it possible to choose the browser where it opens the selected html-file? Now it opens the html-files automatically in Opera, and there you cannot just refresh the changes as in IE. So I want to change the browser type to IE.

How come that you cannot refresh changes in Opera? Anyway what do you want to refresh? If you open remote file in local browser, the "refresh" button has no effect. So your question makes sense only if you open local file (from local panel).
If you do not like Opera, why don't use associate IE with HTML files?
If you still want to open IE, you may set it as external "editor" for WinSCP and use Edit function, instead of Open.

How to select the viewing browser

Using WinSCP 3.0 (Norton commander in use);
how is it possible to choose the browser where it opens the selected html-file? Now it opens the html-files automatically in Opera, and there you cannot just refresh the changes as in IE. So I want to change the browser type to IE.