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Re: Keep remote directory up to date not properly working

Thanks for your report.
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Re: Keep remote directory up to date not properly working

martin wrote:

Does WinSCP notice the change or not? Do you get the "change detected" message (as you supposedly get then changing root files)?

WinSCP doesnt notice the change.
I dont get any message when editing files in subfolders. As soon as i make any change to a file inside main folder i get messages for that file, and for all the files in subfolders i previously made changes to.

Re: Keep remote directory up to date not properly working

Does WinSCP notice the change or not? Do you get the "change detected" message (as you supposedly get then changing root files)?

Keep remote directory up to date not properly working

I have a problem with auto sync of local and remote directories.
- "Synchronize on start" works with no problem and updates all files in main directory and subdirectories
- Making changes to files in main directory works with no problem
- Making changes to files inside subdirectories has no effect
- Only when i make a change in a file placed iside main directory then all the changes i previously made to files inside subdirectories get synced too.

I have "Update subdirectories" option checked. Is there any way to fix this?
Thanks in advance!