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Re: Inconsistent timestamps when the server uses DST but the client doesn't

Thanks for your feedback.

Anonymous wrote:

FYI, the DST timestamps issue still exists.

With SCP only? Or with both SFTP and SCP?

Re: Inconsistent timestamps when the server uses DST but the client doesn't

martin wrote:

Did you try the 5.8.x branch?

This improvement may help you:


I tried WinSCP 5.8.4 RC and saw a major improvement in transfer speed using SFTP protocol. Now SFTP is almost as good as SCP in terms of speed. Thanks!

FYI, the DST timestamps issue still exists.


Re: Inconsistent timestamps when the server uses DST but the client doesn't

Did you try the 5.8.x branch?

This improvement may help you:

Re: Inconsistent timestamps when the server uses DST but the client doesn't

martin wrote:

Do you have any particular reason to use SCP over SFTP?

It's quite probable that the timestamps does not behave correctly with the SCP protocol. It should behave correctly with SFTP though.

The SCP protocol is not being supported anymore.

In my situation SCP is 10 times faster than SFTP. This is a big difference as I often have GBs of data to transfer. It is sad to know the discontinuation of SCP support. Nevertheless, thanks for your help!


Re: Inconsistent timestamps when the server uses DST but the client doesn't

Do you have any particular reason to use SCP over SFTP?

It's quite probable that the timestamps does not behave correctly with the SCP protocol. It should behave correctly with SFTP though.

The SCP protocol is not being supported anymore.

Inconsistent timestamps when the server uses DST but the client doesn't

Hello Marthin,

I am experiencing problems in displayed timestamps, which affects sync under SCP protocol.

The server's time zone uses DST, but my workstation's doesn't. In order to coordinate with others, I have to use the local time zone setting (i.e., the Windows option "Automatically adjust clock for Daylight Saving Time" is not available). No matter what I choose between "Adjust remote timestamp to local conventions" and "Adjust remote timestamp with DST", I get different one hour difference in timestamps for files lastly modified during DST-effective days when using SCP protocol. However, this problems does not occur when using SFTP protocol. Do you know how to solve this problem for SCP protocol? Thanks!

Server: ReadHat 6.5
Workstation (client): Windows 7
