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Please attach a log file from both clients for a comparable operation. Use the latest versions of both.

It's the wordpress installation files, but in general i have noticed that WinSCP uploads with slower speed not matter if the files are big or they are in large numbers. I like to use WinSCP because i find its interface more intuitive but when i have to upload large number of files i have to use FileZilla because the speed is faster.

Re: Why WinSCP is slower than FileZilla?

Thanks for you report.

Though it's not clear if:
- the problem arises is due to a large number of small files
- or if WinSCP has actually a lower throughput (when uploading one large file).

Can you provide us more details?

Why WinSCP is slower than FileZilla?

When i am uploading wordpress files through FTP FileZilla uploads the files twice faster then WinSCP. Why is that?