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Re: can't open file

Scotguest wrote:

WinSCP is working ok as other files can be transferred fine, just seems to be a proble with STREAM files, is this file type unsupported?

The question is rather if your SFTP server supports this type of files. Can you post a log file?

can't open file

Trying to FPT a file which has a filestructure of STREAM (byte stream file with no formal record size and each line of the file is terminateed by a newline or linefeed character) and WinSCP is unable to carry out the file and displays the message 'can't open file'.

WinSCP is working ok as other files can be transferred fine, just seems to be a proble with STREAM files, is this file type unsupported?

Version of WinSCP used 3.6.1 (build221)
Interface is Norton
Transfer type set to automatic
File size 18k