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Topic review


Not really intended. But it's the default Windows behavior. Will look into it.

Thanks for looking.

I'm now having to open a new session by holding shift when clicking on Session > New Session. This opens a new session in the background. Before ctl+shift+n opened a new session in the foreground. I this this (using the menus) the intended behaviour?

Re: Open New Session in New Window hotkey (ctl+shift+n) broken

Thanks for reporting this. No it was not really intended. Will look into it.

Open New Session in New Window hotkey (ctl+shift+n) broken


I upgraded to v5.9 (Build 6786) recently and it appears that the hotkey combination ctl+shift+n no longer works. It does nothing. It used to open a new session in a new window (like holding shift while going Session > New Session. It was working in the previous released version - presumably 5.7.7. I use the Windows style interface.

Do you know if this is intended or a bug?

