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kjhangiani wrote:

I have the same problem. I use 2 monitors plugged into my retina mac (running win10 via bootcamp). The retina display is set to 150%, the other 2 monitors to 100%. WinSCP never leaves one of my external monitors, but is reflecting the 150% scaling.

It has unfortunately made the app unusable for me, and I'm downgrading to the prior version now.

Need some way to toggle whether I want the scaling to apply in winscp or not, if the dynamic scaling is difficult to support. A major regression in the ux for users in this situation. I imagine this problem will become more prevalent over time as 4k monitors start seeing more widespread use.

As a workaround, set your default Windows scaling to 100% and override it for the retina display to 150%. Not the other way around.

I have the same problem. I use 2 monitors plugged into my retina mac (running win10 via bootcamp). The retina display is set to 150%, the other 2 monitors to 100%. WinSCP never leaves one of my external monitors, but is reflecting the 150% scaling.

It has unfortunately made the app unusable for me, and I'm downgrading to the prior version now.

Need some way to toggle whether I want the scaling to apply in winscp or not, if the dynamic scaling is difficult to support. A major regression in the ux for users in this situation. I imagine this problem will become more prevalent over time as 4k monitors start seeing more widespread use.

Re: Problem with Display-Scaling

It's a known problem that WinSCP does not support dynamic change of scaling.

It's quite complicated to implement. So it won't get fixed soon. Sorry. We will see what a demand is.

Problem with Display-Scaling

Downloaded the new WinSCP 5.9 today and installed it.
I am using Windows 10 (Anniversary Update) and I have a problem with Display-Scaling.
I am using a 4K-Display on my Laptop and to FullHD-Displays attached to it.

The 4K-Display has a scaling factor of 250% and everything looks good new (especially the size of the icons *g*)
The Full-HD Displays have a scaling factor of 100%.
But when I move the Application to another one of the Full-HD-Displays the Application is too big. It seems, that the scaling factor of 250% is still used, when the monitor has another scaling factor.
As the application is always opened on the 4K-Display this is unfortunately a problem...