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Topic review


martin wrote:

The § is not ascii. How did you set your password?

PuTTY also (correctly) uses UTF-8 encoding for passwords. So either your server indeed does not use UTF-8; or you have used a broken SSH client (not supporting UTF-8) to set your password.

You're right, § is not ascii.
I did not set the password. The password was set by the the client, I work for. I will inform him about the issue and ask to change it.

Thanks for your fast response!

The § is not ascii. How did you set your password?

PuTTY also (correctly) uses UTF-8 encoding for passwords. So either your server indeed does not use UTF-8; or you have used a broken SSH client (not supporting UTF-8) to set your password.

HarryKane wrote:

PS: How can I register for this forum?

Found it.

martin wrote:

Can you connect with PuTTY SSH client?

No, there is also access denied. But I don't know if it worked before.

There are some special chars like '!','"' and '§' in the password, but this is still ascii I think.

PS: How can I register for this forum?

Re: Authentication failed with 5.9 (works with 5.7.7)

Do you have any non-ascii characters in your password?

Since 5.9, WinSCP correctly uses UTF-8 encoding for passwords. Older versions used incorrect encoding. But if your server has the same problem as older versions of WinSCP, they are now not compatible. Can you connect with PuTTY SSH client?

Authentication failed with 5.9 (works with 5.7.7)

Hi martin,

we have issues to connect to a sftp server since we installed 5.9. With the older version 5.7.7 we still can connect to this server, thus I would exclude a server problem. I have attached log files for both clients.

It would be nice if you can figure out, what is going wrong.

Thanks and best regards,