What for?
So users don't have to log in again and can just use the existing "logged in" session of winscp (which will be running anyway) with the script.
Although the use of ssh-keys + plink works (and also pageant), it's a hassle to setup for new users and there's also an issue with having users have to play around in their .ssh directory on the remoteserver, which the sys admins probably don't want.
But maybe I do not understand what your ask for.
When I've used scp in the past, either from a shell script (in unix) or otherwise (pscp), scp performs it's operations and then closes the connection. This requires you to log in after every operation unless you use ssh-keys. How does winscp keep it's logged in status even after hours of inactivity without using ssh keys?
I'd like to be able to use winscp's logged in status from my script so I don't have to log in again and avoid using ssh keys.
What are you missing?
I'm a bit confused about when to use what. :)
For example:
winscp3.exe user@server /upload C:/test.txt
works but
winscp3.exe user@server /console put C:/test.txt
I guess someway to execute commands on the remoteserver 'cd','mv','rm','put','ls' without going into interactive mode and using the existing authenticated session of winscp. :)
Ideally, I would have winscp running constantly, which keeps me logged in, while I would be able to execute a series of commands from my script like 'cd','put','rm','mv' etc.
Maybe this is already possible?