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Re: Switch between tabs while doing an action

martin wrote:

While we would like to achieve this in a long term, it's a huge change, so it won't be any time soon.

OK. Thank you. Currently I use this workaround with opening two programs. So it has time.

Re: Switch between tabs while doing an action

While we would like to achieve this in a long term, it's a huge change, so it won't be any time soon.

Switch between tabs while doing an action


I have two tabs open in WinSCP. Every tab has his own connection to a server.
When I am doing an action on on tab by example changing permissions than I can not switch to the oter tab anymore.
This is a very bad situation because this slowing down my work. So I have to have to try opening another WinSCP software to work with with while the first windo is doing the change.

Could you please ensure that an action in one tab does not affect another tab?

Thank you for your work :-)