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Topic review


Great. Thank you so much!

(aware that this is 8 years after the OP's original question)

This would be a very important feature to me. I also manage my winscp.ini in Git to sync connections across 3 machines. Solving merge conflicts is a pain due to the automatically generated logging entries. It would be great if at least the connection list could be split from the main winscp.ini.

How does everybody manage their connection lists otherwise? I have 50+ entries and manually updating ini's on several computers is impossible.

Re: Splitting WinSCP.ini

Nothing new, sorry. There does not seem to be a demand for this feature.

Are there news on this? Thanks!

Great! Thanks!

I hope to see this feature soon :D I can do beta testing if you like...

Re: Splitting WinSCP.ini

Thanks for your suggestion. Will consider it.

Splitting WinSCP.ini


first big thanks for WinSCP! We moved here after using FileZilla for years without caring about plain text password storage :twisted:

I use WinSCP portable and but it with the WinSCP.ini under Git control to sync my saved connections between two machines. But because of the ini vars JumpList, LastStoredSession and RunsSinceLastTip the WinSCP.ini is modified all the time even if I just open WinSCP.

Now my request: Can you please consider splitting WinSCP.ini into two files? For example WinSCP.ini for all the real config options and connections and Workspace.ini for all the permanently changing / temporary vars like JumpList, LastStoredSession and RunsSinceLastTip?

Thanks in advance!