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Thanks a lot .. we will update to 5.9.1 and as first step : synchronize timestamps

Actually I couldnt do the synchronize .. but in the /log you see the result of the dir command ... that should be the basis for the synch ... isnt it ?
Hope its enough information for you.

Re: Timestamp of remote files / directories is different between 5.1.0 and 5.9.1

franksoltis wrote:

synchronize local -delete -mirror %TARGET_DIR% %SOURCE_DIR%

So please attach a session log file for that (from both versions).
Use the /log=... command-line switch.

Re: Timestamp of remote files / directories is different between 5.1.0 and 5.9.1

martin wrote:

Thanks for the logs. Though I do not see any difference. Can you name one specific file that you have the problem with?
How exactly do you check for the difference? Maybe some screenshot may help explaining the problem.

How exactly do you check for the difference?
option confirm off
synchronize local -delete -mirror %TARGET_DIR% %SOURCE_DIR%

Screenshots added ...
You see 1 hour difference ...
If I start synchronize now, my job would detect every file as "new" and synchronize everything -
In my case, that would be some 60 GB of data and ... I have problems with post processing, because these data have already been processed.

Re: Timestamp of remote files / directories is different between 5.1.0 and 5.9.1

Thanks for the logs. Though I do not see any difference. Can you name one specific file that you have the problem with?
How exactly do you check for the difference? Maybe some screenshot may help explaining the problem.

Re: Timestamp of remote files / directories is different between 5.1.0 and 5.9.1

Hi Martin ... I uploaded the logs for both versions.
Thanks in advance ...

Re: Timestamp of remote files / directories is different between 5.1.0 and 5.9.1

Please post a full session log file from both versions.

Timestamp of remote files / directories is different between 5.1.0 and 5.9.1

Hi ..
while testing migration from 5.1.0 to 5.9.1 we experienced a timestamp problem.
5.9.1 file/dir listing of change date shows 1 hour less than 5.1.0 version.

If we would move to new version, our synchronize would recognize all files as changed ... not good

- we use SFTP and synchronize function.
- Environment config for both installations:
- Daylight saving time : Adjust remote timestamp to local conventions
- tests from same client to same server with same user.

Any ideas what could be the problem ?
Regards Juergen