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Fonts too large

As an example, look at the screen grab at : <invalid hyperlink removed by admin>
My setup Windows XP SP2; screen resolution 1920x1200 pixels, 32bit depth.
WinSCP 3.7.4

Large Fonts Here Too....

Dittos on the mega font size here as well.

Dell Inspiron laptop, W2K SP4 with current MS patch set. nVidia GeForce2Go on a 1600x1200 screen w/font size == 150%

Many thanks for the most excellent program, it's great stuff!

Allen Woolley
Las Vegas, NV

Same situation with panel font size in XP...

WinXP pro Build 2600.xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158(SP2)
1600x1200 - Appearance options: Windows Classic Style, Normal Font size, no advanced appearance options.

WinSCP 3.7.4 Build 271

On split upper/lower panel, only the lower panel has larger font.

P.S. Thanks for a great utility!

same problem with similar situation

I just installed the same build (271) and the font size in the file panels
(Norton mode) is HUGE.

I have a 1400x1050 display with font size set at 125%.

Re: Fonts too large in file panels!

Thanks for info. I'll check it.

Fonts too large in file panels!

Hello Martin,

First - many thanks for the excellent program!

I am having a problem with font size in the latest WinSCP release 3.7.4 build 271.
The font in the file panels is apparently much larger than the icon font in Windows (XP).
I did not have this problem with the 3.3.0 (177) release.

My resolution is 1280x1024, with 150% fonts.
The icon font is Tahoma 9.

Thanks a lot!