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Re: WinSCP on Surface Pro 4/Windows 10

Thanks for the feedback. I do not think there's a workaround. We will look into it.

Re: WinSCP on Surface Pro 4/Windows 10

Thanks. The problem is now clear. Whenever I disconnect the surface pro from the external monitor, that message appears because the scaling factor is different for external monitor and built-in display. As a result, the scaling of winscp is not correct until I logout and login again.

Is there any workaround?

martin wrote:

Did you restart your machine after changing the scaling (as recommended by the "red" label on the screenshot)?

Re: WinSCP on Surface Pro 4/Windows 10

Did you restart your machine after changing the scaling (as recommended by the "red" label on the screenshot)?

Re: WinSCP on Surface Pro 4/Windows 10

Here is the screenshot. The system scaling has already been set to 200%. Thanks for looking into it.

martin wrote:

Please post a screenshot (including some other application for comparison).

Re: WinSCP on Surface Pro 4/Windows 10

Please post a screenshot (including some other application for comparison).

WinSCP on Surface Pro 4/Windows 10

Hi, I read the release note that HIDPI is supported since 5.8.x beta. However the font is still tiny in my Surface Pro, using the latest 5.9.1. Is there any setting required? Thanks.