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Re: Connecting Winscp (5.7.3) with VMware CentOS 7.0 (Minimal Installation)

Do you have FTP server running at all?
Salman Imtiaz

Connecting Winscp (5.7.3) with VMware CentOS 7.0 (Minimal Installation)

I am trying to connect winscp (FTP) to transfer some files in CentOS 7.0 installed through VMware (7.0).
I have given IP address to virtual network adapter and subnet mask
Ip address for host machine network adapter and subnet mask

When i try to connect through winscp with host name with port 21, i get this error
"No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
Connection failed."

Now what is causing this issue? can someone help me connect winscp with VMware. As I am new, maybe I am missing some command or I am unable to open port for file transfer through Winscp.

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