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Re: Replace "*?| ..." by underscores

winssniw wrote:

Now I am looking to transfer a Harddisk to a local Win98 drive. Win98 does not accept filenames with non-uuencoded character.
But I have a lot of filenames automatic generated by MS IE from html page tilte -> filename,
So the transfer of the harddisk is breaking down during the transfer.

What character causes the problem?

Preferences > Transfer > Replace "*?| ..." by underscores.

I believe that this replaces only characters that are not supported by any version of Windows.
Read documentation for list.

Is there a way to install a SSH daemon on the Windows XP box?

Try OpenSSH for Windows. There are also some commercial SSH daemons. I like Vandyke one.

Replace "*?| ..." by underscores

I am using WinSCP since several years to upload files from my local Windows XP to my server in the www-space.

Now I am looking to transfer a Harddisk to a local Windows 98 drive. Windows 98 does not accept filenames with non-uuencoded character.
But I have a lot of filenames automatic generated by MS IE from html page tilte -> filename,
So the transfer of the harddisk is breaking down during the transfer.
I found a feature in WinSCP:
Preferences > Transfer > Replace "*?| ..." by underscores.
But that's limited to downloads.
I want to install WinSCP on the Windows 98 box as a client and download the HD content from the XP box as server.
Is there a way to install a SSH daemon on the XP box?

Or are there other Windows tools tools which are replacing non-uuencoded filenames when transferring from XP to Win98 inside the Windows world?
Thanks, Winny