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Re: Cannot attach log files as it is against the company norms

Sorry, we cannot help you without seeing the log files.
Babu Reddy

Cannot attach log files as it is against the company norms


As per the Company norms we are not suppose to send any log files. Pls suggest how to go about. This is only pertaining to .dat files only.

Re: .dat Files displays in FileZilla

So please attach a complete session log file from both WinSCP and FileZilla. Use a real FileZilla log file, not the message log from GUI.
Babu Reddy

.dat Files displays in FileZilla


The Files get display's in FileZilla. We have checked the same in both the softwares.

Re: Winscp does not display .dat files

Do they display in any other FTP client?
Babu Reddy

Winscp does not display .dat files

I would like to know if Winscp supports .dat file Extentions. Presently the files are not getting displayed in FTP site.