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Re: winscp scripting

shunghoe wrote:

Hi, can anyone help me? my %ERRORLEVEL% won't return the correct code regardless of success of failure. it will always be success

Can you start your own thread please, instead of hijacking an unrelated one?

winscp scripting

Hi, can anyone help me? my %ERRORLEVEL% won't return the correct code regardless of success of failure. it will always be success

dir %pendingpath%\%filemask% /b /a-d > uploadlist.tmp

for /f "delims=," %%i in (uploadlist.tmp) do (

"%localpath%\" ^
/log="%logfileftp%" /ini=nul ^
/command ^
"open ftp://ABC:ABC@XXX/" ^
"lcd %pendingpath%" ^
"cd %ftpfolder%" ^
"rm %%i*.tmp" ^
"put %%i %%i.tmp" ^
"mv %%i.tmp %%i" ^

if %ERRORLEVEL% equ 0 (
echo success
) else (
echo failed



I think you can use 'Delphi" Addin and Automate the WinSCP Application.

Does anyone find the solution to automate WinSCP using UFT?

Hi Ranjit,

Did you able to find the solution for automate winsap using QTP..???

Guest wrote:

Similarly, when we are taking about this tool Win SCP, we want to know what is the hierarchy or the language that you are used to develop this tool?

"WinSCP is self contained application" what I understand from this quote is that Win SCP is developed using an unique technology which you have developed to design this tool.

WinSCP is developed in Borland C++ Builder.

QTP --> Quick Test Professional.
It is a product from HP.
For example, a web page will have lot elements like tables, text boxes, links which are all available in the page. These elements are so called Objects.
Similarly, when we are taking about this tool Win SCP, we want to know what is the hierarchy or the language that you are used to develop this tool?

"WinSCP is self contained application" what I understand from this quote is that Win SCP is developed using an unique technology which you have developed to design this tool.
Please correct me if I am wrong.

Thanks in Advance,

Re: Winscp scripting language

Anonymous wrote:

Let me explain.... for QTP to be able to recognize the objects on Winscp we need to have the addin associated with the technology that Winscp has been developed on. only then it can recognize the objects. SO if this is a developed on Java we will need a java addin. So I want to know what technology it has been developed on. I did not understand what exactly you meant when you said "it is a self contained application" can you please explain??

I do not know what QTP is. So I do not know what kind of objects do you mean. But I doubt that it will work. There are no externally available objects (like Java, COM or .NET) in WinSCP.

Re: Winscp scripting language

martin wrote:

you been able to find a solution on this? If yes, Could you please help?

This has been answered already. What more do you want to know?

martin wrote:

you been able to find a solution on this? If yes, Could you please help?

This has been answered already. What more do you want to know?

Let me explain.... for QTP to be able to recognize the objects on Winscp we need to have the addin associated with the technology that Winscp has been developed on. only then it can recognize the objects. SO if this is a developed on Java we will need a java addin. So I want to know what technology it has been developed on. I did not understand what exactly you meant when you said "it is a self contained application" can you please explain??

Thanks Much,

Re: Winscp scripting language

you been able to find a solution on this? If yes, Could you please help?

This has been answered already. What more do you want to know?

Re: Winscp scripting language

ranajit.bhol wrote:


I am trying to use Winscp in Test automation and is trying to get it recognized by QTP. Could you please let me know the platform(e.g. .NET) on which WinScp is built so that i can use the required add-ins?


Have you been able to find a solution on this? If yes, Could you please help?

Thanks Much,

Re: Winscp scripting language

ranajit.bhol wrote:

What about the GUI components or the windows interface? How is that developed, it has to be some windows framework. Please correct me if i am wrong.

It uses standard WinAPI.

Re: Winscp scripting language

martin wrote:

There's no platform. WinSCP is self contained application.

Thanks for your response.
What about the GUI components or the windows interface? How is that developed, it has to be some windows framework. Please correct me if i am wrong.

Re: Winscp scripting language

There's no platform. WinSCP is self contained application.

Winscp scripting language


I am trying to use Winscp in Test automation and is trying to get it recognized by QTP. Could you please let me know the platform(e.g. .NET) on which WinScp is built so that i can use the required add-ins?
