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Thanks! I got it working.

Re: How to change default file viewer?

Guest wrote:

WinSCP is great...but when I click on a file, it gives me an error because it's trying to open them with MS Word. I want to view files in gvim, for example. I successfully changed the *editor* to external (gvim), but I don't see any way to change the default file *viewer*.

There is no default viewer. When you double click file, WinSCP opens application associated with the file type. You can change it in Windows Explorer.

you should have a searchable forum so that maybe I can find the answer.

That's what the search box on the top right is good for :-)

How to change default file viewer?

WinSCP is great...but when I click on a file, it gives me an error because it's trying to open them with MS Word. I want to view files in gvim, for example. I successfully changed the *editor* to external (gvim), but I don't see any way to change the default file *viewer*.

p.s. thanks for the should have a searchable forum so that maybe I can find the answer.