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Topic review


What do you mean by crashed? Did it really crashed or was just the transfer interrupted?

Nope, did crash again ... after d/l about 600MB of one file and multiple parts of another directory, the first transfer thread crashed, while the other seemed to keep running, until I acknowledged the requester about the copy failing ...

I had 2.6.8, just downloaded the current beta release, two downloads running and some remote server clicking and deleting didn't crash it, so it seems already fixed ;)

Re: WinSCP instable when copying in the background

What version of WinSCP are you using?

WinSCP instable when copying in the background

I usualy run WiNSCP in foreground mode, which I have to date not had any problems with ... just tried to copy a couple directories in the background, which starts out fine, but after a minute or two crashed - first it did when running two transfers in parallel, then with only one transfer (a second in the queue, plus some deleteing of files/directories in the GUI). Has this happened to anybody else? I just went back to foreground transfer and everything is fine again ...