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Re: I got an error specifying that Host "put C" does not exist.

You have the quotes wrong:

This should work: /command "open sftp://UsernameinLinuxMachine@LinuxHostname -privatekey=C:\Users\MyName\Desktop\KeyFolder\private.ppk" "put C:\DataFolder\FileToBeTransferred /users/MyLinuxUsername/Desktop/Folder1/"

Easiest is to have the command-line generated in GUI:

I got an error specifying that Host "put C" does not exist.

This is the first time I'm using WinSCP (GUI side is awesome) but, when I have tried to use it in command line, I'm doing a silly mistake I believe. Can you please help me with it

The following is the command I'm using /command "open sftp://UsernameinLinuxMachine@LinuxHostname" -privatekey=C:\Users\MyName\Desktop\KeyFolder\private.ppk "put C:\DataFolder\FileToBeTransferred /users/MyLinuxUsername/Desktop/Folder1/"

I'm getting connected to the remote system in Linux but the file isn't getting transferred. I got following statements
Searching for host...
Host "put C" does not exist.
Searching for host...
Connecting to host...
Using username "myname"

I would greatly appreciate your guidance here.


Re: copy a file from a windows machine to a linux machine

@kmcguine: :D

It help us a lot in making a batch file....thank a lot

Re: copy a file from a windows machine to a linux machine

Anonymous wrote:

I believe the problem may be related to winscp is running under the "system" account. I need it to run under the user I am logged into the machine as.

Do you have any suggestions?

Not sure what kind of suggestion you ask for.

Re: copy a file from a windows machine to a linux machine

Anonymous wrote:

Thanks, I was having trouble where to place the quotes. After making your suggested change, I am still having trouble. I'd like to copy the entire directory. Can I do this? Do the wildcards work with the put command?
"put C:\Users\tuxadm\psft\pt\8.51\appserv\prcs\PSNTDEV\log_output\SQR_CNXPO404_2437814\*.* /home/psoft/psreports/devcop/"

You seem to have the command right.

Re: copy a file from a windows machine to a linux machine

I believe the problem may be related to winscp is running under the "system" account. I need it to run under the user I am logged into the machine as.

Do you have any suggestions?

Re: copy a file from a windows machine to a linux machine

Thanks, I was having trouble where to place the quotes. After making your suggested change, I am still having trouble. I'd like to copy the entire directory. Can I do this? Do the wildcards work with the put command?
"put C:\Users\tuxadm\psft\pt\8.51\appserv\prcs\PSNTDEV\log_output\SQR_CNXPO404_2437814\*.* /home/psoft/psreports/devcop/"

Re: copy a file from a windows machine to a linux machine

"put C:\Users\tuxadm\psft\pt\8.51\appserv\prcs\PSNTDEV\log_output\SQR_CNXMF017_2435611\CNXMF017_2435611*.PDF /home/psoft/psreports/devcop/"

Copy a file from a Windows machine to a Linux machine

I am trying to use a command line to copy a file from a Windows machine to a Linux machine, but I can not get to file to copy to a different directory other than the home directory. The command line I am using is:
"c:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\winscp.exe" /command "option batch on" "option confirm off" "open userid:password@remotelinuxmachine" "put C:\Users\tuxadm\psft\pt\8.51\appserv\prcs\PSNTDEV\log_output\SQR_CNXMF017_2435611\CNXMF017_2435611*.PDF" "cd /home/psoft/psreports/devcop/" "/log=C:\Users\tuxadm\test.log" "exit"

The script works fine except that I can't copy to /home/psoft/psreports/devcop/, it copies to /home/psoft/.
