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Then, there's nothing we can do about it. WinSCP won't be able to talk to your FTP server.

martin wrote:

That does the PWD return when you are in a subfolder?
In a subfolder, it still returns 257 ""

The problem happens with a regular user but not with an ID that has full control of the file system. I'll eventually complain to Dell/EMC but for now I can't touch it.

That does the PWD return when you are in a subfolder?

Isilon is a NAS appliance sold by Dell/EMC.

Re: Crash when remote current directory=""

Thanks for your report.
What is "Isilon host"?

Crash when remote current directory=""

WinSCP 5.9.2 running on Windows 10 crashes while logging on a plain FTP session to an Isilon host.

I'll try to attach the WinSCP log file. In case I can't, the log file repeats the same 4 lines over 5000 times and then suddenly ends. Apparently, the server is reporting "" as the current working directory for this user.

> (timestamp) PWD
< (timestamp) 257 ""
. (timestamp) Got reply 1 to the command 16
. (timestamp) Getting current directory name.