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Re: Script successfully executed but files does not reach destination

Hello MArtin,

Thanks for the input it works fine now with put *.xml.

for some reason when i first tested the files got transferred without any issue , its really strange but i accept the logic.

Many Thanks for your kind help. :D :D

Re: Script successfully executed but files does not reach destination

This is not correct: put *.xml U:\Y3_123_out.

The U:\Y3_123_out should not be there. Use just put *.xml.

Script successfully executed but files does not reach destination


I have ran a script to copy files from my windows server to SFTP server, it worked and transferred files in the beginning stage but now it does not seems to copy over the files even though the command completes successfully and i can see the file transfer take place.

my script

option batch continue
option confirm off
open sp66
lcd U:\Y3_362_out
cd /incoming/mycompany/uat/my/export/

put *.xml U:\Y3_123_out


appreciate your kind advise