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Re: multiple -cmds for external application

Got it working by adding \n between the commands. Thank you.

Re: multiple -cmds for external application

Then probably the only way it to really automate multiple "lines" (with "Enter" in between). But I'm not sure if that's possible with KiTTY -cmd switch. No longer WinSCP question, sorry.

Re: multiple -cmds for external application

martin wrote:

amokwao wrote:

Yes it does. That's why I need to cd back into the current directory. Is there a way to stop that?

That's not a question for WinSCP. Is do not know qsub. What is it?

qsub is used to submit batch jobs to our uni's supercomputers. with qsub -I, I ask it to get me a node so I can work on it interactively. That's the only way they allow us to use cpu intensive programs like matlab. When I use winSCP to launch kitty i have to do it every time I lose connection or something. I'm lazy :mrgreen: and don'w want to qsub bla bla bla 20 times a day.


Re: multiple -cmds for external application

amokwao wrote:

Yes it does. That's why I need to cd back into the current directory. Is there a way to stop that?

That's not a question for WinSCP. Is do not know qsub. What is it?

Re: multiple -cmds for external application

martin wrote:

Doesn't the qsub start a new sub-shell?

Yes it does. That's why I need to cd back into the current directory. Is there a way to stop that?

Re: multiple -cmds for external application

Doesn't the qsub start a new sub-shell?

Re: multiple -cmds for external application

Got the same results. Grabs the nodes and returns to the home directory and does not execute the next cd or the module load.

martin wrote:

What happens if you execute the command in SSH terminal? The exactly same command, just with the !/ replaced with real paths.

Re: multiple -cmds for external application

What happens if you execute the command in SSH terminal? The exactly same command, just with the !/ replaced with real paths.

Re: multiple -cmds for external application

Thank you, The last cd '!/' does not seem to work after the qsub. Also the module load. Could it be something at the machine level?

martin wrote:

This should work:

D:\Dropbox\pAPPS\ssh\kitty.exe -load winSCp !U@!@  -cmd "cd '!/' ; qsub -I -X -l nodes=2:ppn=4,walltime=2:00:00 ; cd '!/' ; module load matlab"

Though combining the -load and !U@!@ does not look correct either.

Re: multiple -cmds for external application

This should work:

D:\Dropbox\pAPPS\ssh\kitty.exe -load winSCp !U@!@  -cmd "cd '!/' ; qsub -I -X -l nodes=2:ppn=4,walltime=2:00:00 ; cd '!/' ; module load matlab"

Though combining the -load and !U@!@ does not look correct either.

multiple -cmds for external application

I would like to send multiple cmds when I lunch kitty using the "Open session in Putty". This is what I have:

D:\Dropbox\pAPPS\ssh\kitty.exe -load winSCp -cmd "cd '!/'" !U@!@ -cmd  "qsub -I -X -l nodes=2:ppn=4,walltime=2:00:00"

This works fine but after grabbing a queue I would like it to return to the current directory and load some modules like so:

D:\Dropbox\pAPPS\ssh\kitty.exe -load winSCp -cmd "cd '!/'" !U@!@ ; "qsub -I -X -l nodes=2:ppn=4,walltime=2:00:00" ; cd "cd '!/'" ; "module load matlab"

I have tried adding semicolons (like above) and -cmd to the different commands but none seem to work.
Thank you.