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Re: Permission only to a specific directory

towerback wrote:

Does anyone know the solution of this problem?
Do I need to make changes in the Linux shell?

Sorry, but your question has nothing to do with WinSCP.
Ask on an appropriate forum. Maybe

Re: Permission only to a specific directory

towerback wrote:

martin wrote:

Sorry, I do not understand, what you ask for.

Please try again, with more details. Maybe some example would help us to understand.

After logging in the user is to have access only to a specific directory. There is no move in the directory structure outside of that directory.

Hi everyone,

Does anyone know the solution of this problem?
Do I need to make changes in the Linux shell?


Re: Permission only to a specific directory

martin wrote:

Sorry, I do not understand, what you ask for.

Please try again, with more details. Maybe some example would help us to understand.

After logging in the user is to have access only to a specific directory. There is no move in the directory structure outside of that directory.

Re: Permission only to a specific directory

Sorry, I do not understand, what you ask for.

Please try again, with more details. Maybe some example would help us to understand.

Permission only to a specific directory

Hi All,

I want to block move the whole structure of the operating system.
The user has access to only one designated directory.

Thanks for help.