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Re: Using xp_cmdshell to run a BAT file that uses WinSCP FTP

martin wrote:

So does it log anything or not? Show us any log file you have.

Also make sure you have read this:

Nothing is logged. The proc just runs and runs.

I will review the link you forwarded.

Re: Using xp_cmdshell to run a BAT file that uses WinSCP FTP

So does it log anything or not? Show us any log file you have.

Also make sure you have read this:

Using xp_cmdshell to run a BAT file that uses WinSCP FTP

I am trying to use xp_cmdshell to run a .bat file that uses WinSCP to FTP a .csv file.

I have verified all permissions and can successfully run a .bat file that does not use WinSCP.

I do not get any errors and my xp_cmdshell just runs and runs and runs without logging any errors.

We have created a profile in WinSCP for the SQL server agent that the xp_cmdshell is run.

We can manually run the .BAT file.

How do we resolve this issue to run this .BAT file using xp_cmdshell?