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Re: How to show full filename when uploading/downloading a single file instead of *.* ?

On the overwrite confirmation dialog, you have an option "New Name". There you can easily edit the name of the uploaded file.

How to show full filename when uploading/downloading a single file instead of *.* ?

I upload / download a single file to FTP server quite frequently. Sometimes I need to add a suffix to filename to mark file version (i.e. file2.php) and to not to overwrite the original file.php.

When I select the single file for upload and press F5 it shows *.* instead of the full filename by default. This means that when I want to change the file version, I need to write down the whole filename again and then make changes. It is a small inconvenience but when I have to do this repeatedly it is very exhausting.

Is it possible to make some changes in settings to show full filename of the uploaded / downloaded file instead of *.* by default?