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Re: does Winscp have a maximum file size restriction?

hejama wrote:

I want to transfer 750 GB? Is this possible?


does Winscp have a maximum file size restriction?

I want to transfer 750 GB? Is this possible?

craigm wrote:

How should I setup WinSCP to recognize that I always want it to copy and overwrite to the remote folder? Even if I check the option "Remember this setting" it always keeps asking me.

I'm not sure what you mean. Do you want to disable overwrite confirmation?


First problem is fixed. I did have customized .bashrc for the accounts that did not work.

My question now is more usage related, for which I dont need log:

How should I setup WinSCP to recognize that I always want it to copy and overwrite to the remote folder? Even if I check the option "Remember this setting" it always keeps asking me.


Re: SFTP Login woes: Packet size too big???

Please read FAQ and also How to ask for support?.

Particularly I need to know version of WinSCP you are using and log file can be useful too.

SFTP Login woes: Packet size too big???


I cannot login into my SFTP server because of this error:

Received too large (170732845 B) SFTP packet. Max supported packet size is 102400 B.

The error is typically caused by message printed from startup script (like .profile). The message may start with "0x0A2D2D2D".

What can I do to make sure the packet size is smaller then?

This SFTP works perfectly with's SecureFTP btw, but that is not a free tool.
