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Re: is it true that every access with wincip just includes a terminal-access too

openSuseman wrote:

question: is it true that every (!!!!!!) access with wincip just includes (!!!) a terminal-access too!?

That's a very vague question.
As you have found out yourself, existence of the "Open Terminal" command does not guarantee you that the command works. The server must allow terminal/shell access in the first place. Does that answer your question?

hi there

here some more insights!

unfortunatly the server does not allow the access.

ps - keep up the great work - it rocks.
btw: a linux-version would be great!

is it true that every access with wincip just includes a terminal-access too

hello dear all,

first of all . many thanks for the great winscp. on a sidenote;: it would be great if you offer this for Linux too!!

today i have some issues - with my webserver. got an error Error establishing a database connection

i am wondering if anyone can help? i have access to the server via



On winscp there is an option located under the session link called 'open terminal' If i click that, i guess that i have access to the server.

well - if so: then i can login to your server using login and password

If i have a successfull login, reboot the VPS: shutdown -r now

then i cross my fingers - cause that all the services start again

question: is it true that every (!!!!!!) access with wincip just includes (!!!) a terminal-access too!?

love to hear from you