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Topic review


Re: office2003

coth wrote:

afaik WinSCP uses TB2K+TBX. could be next version compiled with office2003 theme... i'm pretty like, i'm sure many other people as well:)
<invalid link removed>

I'll consider it, at least :-)


i just had a question on theme.

afaik WinSCP uses TB2K+TBX. could be next version compiled with office2003 theme... i'm pretty like, i'm sure many other people as well:)
<invalid link removed>

PsychoMark wrote:

Thanks! Would be nice to have an option in the interface if that hasn't already been added...

Will do :-)

Thanks! Would be nice to have an option in the interface if that hasn't already been added... the whole .NET UI hype made me nervous as well :)

This also works fine in the .INI btw when using that, which is perfect for me because I carry WinSCP on an USB disk to be able to manage my server anywhere...

Re: XP Style?


You can use "Office 2000" theme intead, what is quite similar to original style. You need to import following registry settings:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Martin Prikryl\WinSCP 2\Configuration\Interface]

XP Style?

Is there any way not to use the new XP look of menus and toolbars? (Disable XP look or similar?) I have been loving WinSCP but the new look makes it much more "nervous" (the old look may be out of fashion but it was actually great).