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Re: Close all local folders from prev. TABs by opening new TAB

So, it's probably what I've meant.

No, WinSCP does not support this.
Will see if more people ask for this.

Re: Close all local folders from prev. TABs by opening new TAB

martin wrote:

By "opening/closing" do you mean "expanding/collapsing" directory tree nodes? Or what?

Hi Martin,

thanks for asking me / your support! No, what I mean (with my old school-english :-) ...) is for example:

1. I have 3 Connection Tabs (Domains) open
2. Click on Tab-Bar for a new connection (Monitor-Icon) or select "New Session / Connection" from Menü
3. Select and open a new connection from "Session-/Connection-Dialog
4. New Connection / Session opens
5. On the left (my local computer) I see the local files / folders for this session / connection

OK! But Now:
On the left (my local computer) are also all other folders opened from all other connections / sessions.
I do not want to see the opened drives / folders from other connetions / sessions. I just want to see the opened local folder from the opened selected session / connection. All other folders should be closed ( = collapsed? ).

Is that possible? If yes: How to do / config that?

Thank you very much!

Re: Close all local folders from prev. TABs by opening new TAB

By "opening/closing" do you mean "expanding/collapsing" directory tree nodes? Or what?

Close all local folders from prev. TABs by opening new TAB

Hi there,

by opening an new TAB (Connection), WinSCP opens also all open local folders (on the left) from previous TABS (other WEB-Domains, Connections, Pathes....).
How to open on the left (local) just that local folder, by opening new TAB, which I configed?
All other open local folders should be closed.

Ralf from germany